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Advanced High-Energy Astrophysics

This series of pages is intended to discuss the science of X-ray and gamma-ray astrophysics at an advanced high-school to college level. If you seek a more basic level of information, you probably want to visit our basic high-energy astrophysics information site.

Topics in High-Energy Astrophysics

Below are listed a number of topics which can be explored in greater detail. Some of these topics include links to science groups that are actively pursuing research in these fields.

History of X-ray Astronomy
History of Gamma-ray Astronomy
X-ray Telescopes
X-ray Detectors
Gamma-ray Telescopes and Detectors
X-ray Binaries
X-ray Transients
Black Holes
Dark Matter
Diffuse Background
Cataclysmic Variables
Active Galaxies
Supernova Remnants
Gamma-ray Bursts

Imagine the Universe is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Imagine Team
Project Leader: Dr. Jim Lochner
All material on this site has been created and updated between 1997-2004.

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